About Sheli Berger

I was born in the seventies and lived in South Africa most of my life before making aliyah in 2017. I grew up in Johannesburg, went to King David Linksfield High School, followed by attending University in Cape Town (UCT) where I completed a BSc in Physiology and Neuroscience. I later attended Wits Business School and completed a PDM in Business Administration. I studied Physiology with the intention of becoming an acupuncturist, but it did not work out at the time and I am actually very grateful for that!

My Mom is Phyllis Berger, a Professor of Physiotherapy and an acupuncturist. She had her practice from home; so I got to grow up watching my Mom and learning from her. Acupuncture is related to Qi Gong, since my Mom had a very healthy appetite for learning herself, she always had the latest acupuncture textbooks laying around and I used to read them. So I have been living and breathing Qi Gong most of my life (acupuncturists insert needles into points along the meridians, while in Qi Gong we do movements that stimulate the flow of bio-electricity along the meridians).

I absolutely adore teaching Qi Gong. I love showing people that their body has the most remarkable ability to self-heal. This was actually something I did not understand or believe in myself. As I have mentioned I have had Lupus since I was 5 years old. Whenever I would read Traditional Chinese Medicine books and they would talk about how the body could heal itself, I always understood this to mean it did not include people like myself that were diagnosed with a serious disease from so young. Now because of doing Qi Gong, I have finally come to understand and experience firsthand what those books meant.

I look forward to welcoming you to my classes and sharing the wonders of Qi Gong with you!